tropical: islands, beachy, warm, coconuts, palm trees, sand, Hawaiian shirts
loner: a person who is or prefers to be alone, avoids the company of others
retro: longing for the recent past
stacy: gorgeous, flawless, popular, snobby, unobtainable, female
dark: black, evil, mystery, unknown, intensity
futurism: enthusiastic, technology, ecological, utopian
sewer: dark, damp, grunge, mystery, urban, waste
artist: has exceptional skill, mainly at creative works
Aesthetic is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of art, beauty, and taste. It combines the appearance, attitude, and behavior of an individual or a society — the way they do things — to make up their culture or "way of life".
This generator mixes up random aesthetic themes into a list of possible sub-cultures. Use these as a character builder for a story you are writing, or have fun with your friends pretending your personality matches one of the aesthetics.